
Info card TPR values, TPR values horse

Info card: TPR values

TPR stands for the vital signs temperature, respiration and pulse. They tell you if your horse is healthy. Memorize the values, this will help you if you need them quickly in an emergency situation. Especially the pulse rate at rest varies from horse to horse, depending on breed, age and weight. It is best to determine the values once for your horse when it is healthy.

Emergency card choke, emergency choke, choke horse

Horse emergency: Choke

Choke is the most common esophageal disease in horses. It is a passenger disorder that can be partial or complete. Most often, choke is caused by too large and too hastily gulped down pieces of food.

Emergency cards horse, emergency fever, horse has fever, fever horse

Horse emergency: Fever

Fever is a common symptom of many equine diseases caused by viruses or bacteria. Fever per se is nothing bad, it is a defensive reaction of the body. It becomes problematic when the fever rises too high, because irreversible damage can occur. It is advisable to wait at least one hour after exertion before taking a temperature.

Emergency card diarrhea, diarrhea in horse, diarrhea horse

Horse emergency: Diarrhea

It is extremely important that your horse’s digestion works well. Excessive limping, especially in very soft consistency, can put a lot of stress on your horse, as it loses a lot of water and electrolytes, among other things.

Emergency card bone fracture, bone fracture in horse, emergency bone fracture

Horse emergency: Bone fracture

The horror scenario at the stable. My horse has broken something. Our emergency card explains what I can do in this emergency situation. Because not every broken bone has to be a death sentence for the horse.

Emergency card poisoning, emergency poisoning, poisoning in horse

Horse emergency: Poisoning

There are numerous plants that can be poisonous to horses. As a rule, horses avoid such plants because of their bitter taste. However, if they are contained in the dried state in the hay, they are often eaten. More information on the subject can be found in this blog from us to read.

Emergency card tying up, emergency tying up, tying up horse

Horse emergency: Tying-Up

A tying-up is an inflammation of the back muscles. The horse experiences severe pain. The trigger for a tying-up is a metabolic disorder. The disease is triggered when a horse eats too many carbohydrates by feeding hay.

Emergency card shot, phlegmone, emergency cellulitis, shot in horse

Horse emergency: Cellulitis

Cellulitis or phlegmon is caused by small wounds in which bacteria settle. Especially these small wounds close again quickly and if bacteria have penetrated, this is an optimal breeding ground. Bacteria multiply even more quickly in the absence of air. In most cases, an extensive and often purulent inflammation then develops. 

Emergency card colic, emergency colic, colic in horse

Horse emergency: Colic

Colic is feared by many horse owners because it can lead to the death of the horse. Some horses are more prone to it than others. If your horse has colic, you should act quickly and correctly.

Emergency card stab wound, stab wound hoof, stab wound horse

Horse emergency: Hoof puncture wound

A puncture wound on the hoof means that the horse has kicked a sharp or pointed object into its hoof. Here you can find out what to do in such a case.
